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You are viewing Cheat Codes for 3D Ultra Mini Golf System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-06-29 17:43:56 Views : 27267 Abominable Snowman Hole -------------------------------------------- Putt into the middle tunnel for a hole in one. Jungle Hole -------------------- Across from the pyramid with the hole there is a pool of water. Putt your ball at the bird next to the water. The bird will pick up the ball and drop it in the cup. Hole-in-One on Haunted House Hole --------------------------------------------------------- To get a hole in one one the Haunted House, hit the ball FROM THE TEE to the light grave on the left side of the house. If you do this correctly the ball will come out the back of the house. This tip will only work on the first shot. Hole-In-One on Fort Overlook Hole ------------------------------------------------------- Aim your first shot at the middle cannon. Aim it so when you hit into the cannon, the cannon is pointing straight. The cannon will then shoot your ball into the cup. Hole-in-one on Bugs Hole ----------------------------------------- Aim your first shot at the rock. If you hit it perfectly, a bee will fly over and drop your ball in the cup for a hole-in-one! Hole-in-one on the Lighthouse Hole --------------------------------------------------------- On your first putt, putt the ball towards the bird and hit the bird. The bird will then fly over the hole and drop the ball close to the hole. Ice Shortcut --------------------- On the Abominable Snowman hole, putt into the middle tunnel for a hole in one! Incredible Machine Tip ------------------------------------ When your ball is right in front of the alligator in the Incredible Machine, putt your ball into the alligator's mouth. If you did it right it will be thrown either into or next to the hole. Moon Base Trick --------------------------- On the moon base hole, hit your ball into the metro station when the sign reads '3'. Timing is VERY important. Also, if you don't time it right, your ball will fall into the construction pit. Shortcut on Jungle Hole --------------------------------------- Next to the pool of water across from the pyramid with the hole there is a bird. Putt the ball at the bird and it will pick it up and drop it into the cup. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more 3D Ultra Mini Golf cheat codes.
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